Texas Sponsor-A-Highway is a new corporate sponsorship program that offers businesses the chance to help keep Texas roadways safe and beautiful. For a monthly fee, sponsors can choose to support roadside maintenance and beautification efforts on highways in major metropolitan areas. All participants will receive a recognition panel with their company name and logo for each mile sponsored. Texas Sponsor-A-Highway is a partnership between TxDOT and Texas Sponsor A Highway (TSAH).
Texas Sponsor A Highway®
Frequently Asked Sponsor Questions
Have a question about the Texas Sponsor A Highway® Program? Find answers and other general information quickly in our sponsor a highway FAQ's
How much does it cost per month?
The cost to Sponsor A Highway® per month ranges based on ADT (Average Daily Traffic). Roadways that have higher ADT’s in each of the five metropolitan areas will have a higher monthly fee. Discounts are provided for non-profits and for companies that secure multiple areas.
How big is the recognition panel? Can I have more than one?
For each segment sponsored, one sponsor recognition panel is placed on the shoulder of the freeway, facing one direction of traffic in one-mile segments. The sponsor recognition panel measures 56”x20” and the Texas Sponsor A Highway® (TSAH) art department will work with you to a design your recognition panel for the best visibility and exposure. Companies are free to sponsor as many sections of highway they would like.
How long are the sponsorship agreements good for?
A sponsorship agreement lasts a total of two years. After the two year agreement has ended, the sponsor will have the option to renew. The sponsor can renew their sponsorship agreement as many times as they like, every two years. Renewing a sponsorship agreement secures your sign location for an additional two years.
How long does the process take?
From the time a Sponsor signs their sponsorship agreement to the time the sign is installed, takes an average of 70 days.
What if someone else wants the same roadway or vice versa?
Sign locations and roadways are available on a first come first serve basis. Sponsors have the first right of refusal for any existing sign locations. If by chance, another sponsor is interested in the same location as you, Texas Sponsor A Highway® will be happy to work with you on finding another location that is suitable for your business needs.
Can I sponsor more than one roadway?
Absolutely! There is no limit to the number of signs or roadways a sponsor can have signs. In fact, Texas Sponsor A Highway® encourages businesses to take as many signs as they’d like!
Is there anything else I need to do besides paying for roadside maintenance?
A sponsor will not be required to do anything else once their recognition panel has been installed. The monthly fee associated with their Sponsor A Highway® sign covers the cost of roadside maintenance, allowing TxDOT and Texas Sponsor A Highway® to keep Texas roadways safe and looking beautiful.
What if I can no longer afford the sponsorship?
A sponsorship agreement is a binding contract that lasts two years. In the event that a sponsor can no longer afford the program, Texas Sponsor A Highway® will work with the sponsor to ensure a positive experience with the program.
Can I choose another roadway other than the ones listed? For roadway sponsorship?
If you are interested in areas or highways that are not located within the five metropolitan areas you may submit the area you are interested in to Texas Sponsor A Highway®. TSAH will then work with TxDOT to determine if the area is safe and suitable for sponsorship. The initial five metropolitan areas have been reviewed in advance to the announcement of the program.
I am not in one of the five metropolitan cities. Do you have plans to expand?
Yes, Texas Sponsor A Highway® plans to cover the entire state of Texas. Please contact us and sponsorship expert can provide more details.
Who do I call if I am interested or if I need help? TSAH or TxDOT
Texas Sponsor A Highway® is the primary service provider for the sponsorship program in Texas. Our team is ready and able to answer most of your relevant questions. We have sponsorship experts readily available to assist you.
Increase The Exposure Of Your Brand To Get Noticed
Increase your brand awareness with Texas Sponsor A Highway®.
Our signs are visible 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week, 365 Days A Year!